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How does a vacuum sack manipulator work?

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| 1 minutes of reading | By Guillaume De Clercq
How a vacuum sack manipulator works Palamatic

1. How a sack manipulator works

Vacuum sack manipulators are the solution for lifting and handling all types of sacks (paper sacks, plastic sacks, hessian sacks, aluminium sacks...).The vacuum lifting systems are extremely easy to handle for the operator. An ergonomic handle allows a vacuum leak to be generated in the lifting tube and thus lower the lifted load.

The bag is gripped as the operator approaches the suction cup to the bag. As soon as the suction cup is placed on the bag, a sensor automatically and mechanically opens the valve that supplies the suction cup with "vacuum". The suction is immediate and the bag is lifted without any effort from the operator. The vacuum generation, ensuring the lifting of the load to be handled, is ensured by a two-stage side channel vacuum pump.
When handling dusty 25 or 50 kg bags, we recommend the installation of an oversized filter to protect the vacuum pump.

Loic powder expert Palamatic

Are you looking for a bag handling system? 
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Loïc, bag handling expert

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2. Handling of hessian bags

For the handling of hessian bags, a pneumatic clamp with claws ensures the gripping of the hessian bags. The lifting and lowering of the sack for palletising or depalletising is carried out by the lifting tube, which is subjected to a more or less strong vacuum. This vacuum management is carried out by the operator via the ergonomic handle of the manipulator.

If you would like to carry out a trial with a Palamatic vacuum bag handler or if you are looking for a general bag handling help, please contact our customer service department.
We have a test center available for you to test our equipment with your bulk materials.

Palamatic offers various vacuum lifting systems / industrial manipulators depending on the type of materials and loads you handle: bags, drums, box, pallets, ruber balle...

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