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Case studies

Paldrum®02 barrel filling system

paldrum 02 drum tipper
  • Essai
  • Plan d'accès

Paldrum® 02 barrel filling station - semi-automatic

The gravimetric Paldrum® 02 semi-automatic barrel filling station allows a dosage adapted to the products treated and the flow rates. The filling is carried out in a watertight manner and a vibration system is activated at the same time to optimize the settling of the product.


  • Rate
  • Automation
  • Containment

Operating sequence:
Semi-automatic gravity discharge filling station. The operator installs the barrel or bucket on the roller conveyor. By means of an isolation device, the package is transferred to the weighing platform. A position sensor allows the management of accurate barrels/bucket loading location. It is then blocked on the platform and weighed. 

The operator manually connects the barrel/bucket to the filling mouth. The filling operation then commences while a dust tight connection maintains containment of the material. A vibration system is activated at the same time to optimize the settling of the product. The storage and removal of the barrels/buckets are then operated automatically.

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Equipment advantages

- Containment and sealing of the filling

- Filling rates adapted to production

- Dosing system: 4 load cells implanted under the feet of the conveyor and controlled by the doser for an autonomous and accurate filling

- Accumulation and evacuation conveyor to create the buffer stock and ensure the shifting of the barrels for the establishment of the strapping

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