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Belt and ribbon mixer - Discontinuous MRR

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    Horizontal ndustrial mixer - Bulk materials and powder handling

    Ribbon mixer - Low viscocity dry powders and pasty mixtures

    Ribbon or belt mixing technology allows high-quality mixing at low speed. The materials are preserved and the risk of overheating is reduced. The resulting low attrition allows to maintain the initial characteristics of powders or granules blended, such as density, particle size or shape. The mixing principle is based on cross and repeated exchanges in the longitudinal direction established by the helical belt of the rotor. The slow movement of rotation is particularly suitable for heat-sensitive, fragile and abrasive materials.

    Discontinuous belt mixers consist of a rotor shaft with opposite coils, located in a mixing tank.

    Batch belt and ribbon mixer are available in 2 versions:

    • Loading through hopper: MRRA
    • Loading through cuff: MRRC

    Operating mode
    The external axis conveys the material from both sides towards the center, while the inner axis conveys the material to the sides, producing a convective mixing. The product is gently mixed in a relatively short time: from 5-15 minutes depending on the complexity of mixtures and the amount of each ingredient. 

    operating mode mixer ribbon

       Constitution of the belt and ribbon mixer:

    • A central filling opening or alongside the tank
    • A central outlet opening
    • A vent mouth
    • Two closing plates for the ends of the tank to support the end bearings (adjustable and equipped with a shaft sealing unit)
    • A gearbox with transmission
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    Equipment advantages

    - Homogeneity of the mixture

    - Excellent batch reproducibility

    - Gentle treatment of the material without damaging it

    - Possibility of complete discharge

    - 100% loading rate possible

    Technical specification

    Technical details:

    • Sizes: from 75 to 15,000 liters
    • Motorizations: from 1.1 kW to 45 kW
    • Capacity: from 2 to 8 batches/h. (depending on the recipe and machine configuration)
    • Mixing time: 5 to 15 minutes
    • Possibility of manufacturing in high-strength steel, stainless steel or special materials with a heating or cooling casing.
    • The discharge door reduces any retention of unmixed materials
    • The seal ensures the tightness of the tank
    • The discharge door is integrated in a pipe allowing connection to any return system (gravity rotary valve, screw...)
    • The operation of the discharge door is carried out by a pneumatic control system including: pneumatic cylinder, distributor, coil, limit switch
    • Dispersion 1 kg/ton

    Technical characteristics of the mixing tank:

    Total volume of the tank 75 150 300 550 800 1,100 2,000
    Max. net capacity in liters* 56 105 210 385 560 770 1,400
    Engine power in kW 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11** 13**

    *according to density of the product

    Loading through hopper mixer dimensions: MRRA

    Ribbon mixer hopper - Bulk materials and powder handling
    Models A B C D Net capacity dm³ Weight when empty in kg
    MRR-A 75 1,300 611 670 1,051 56 160
    MRR-A 150 1,460 670 763 1,271 105 270
    MRR-A 300 1,840  770 930 1,393 210 400
    MRR-A 550 2,150  930 1,133 1,585 385 690
    MRR-A 800 2,350  980 1,154 1,602 560 850
    MRR-A 1100 2,690 1,100 1,260  1,754 770 1,200 
    MRR-A 2000 2,920 1,340  1,465 1,975 1,400 2,400
    MRR-A 3000 3,920 1,340 1,465 2,090  2,100 2,700
    MRR-A 4800 4,520 1,500 1,725 2,199 3,360 3,800
    MRR-A 6000 4,820 1,600 1,876 2,325 4,200 4,400
    MRR-A 8800 5,390 1,810 2,067 2,665 6,160 5,300
    MRR-A 10500 5,630 1,910 2,413 2,862  7,350 6,900
    MRR-A 15000 6,124 2,110 2,706 3,190 10,500 8,000

    Loading through cuff mixer dimensions: MRRC

    Ribbon mixer hopper - Bulk materials and powder handling
    A B C Net capacity dm³ Weight when empty in kg
    MRR-C 75 1,300 611 649 56 160
    MRR-C 150 1,460 670 754 105 270
    MRR-C 300 1,840  770 889 210 400
    MRR-C 550 2,150  930 1,075 385 690
    MRR-C 800 2,350  980 1,151 560 850
    MRR-C 1100 2,690 1,100 1,278 770 1,200 
    MRR-C 2000 2,920 1,340  1,455 1,400 2,400
    MRR-C 3000 3,920 1,340 1,455 2,100 2,700
    MRR-C 4800 4,520 1,500 1,750 3,360 3,800
    MRR-C 6000 4,820 1,600 1,860 4,200 4,400
    MRR-C 8800 5,390 1,810 2,130 6,160 5,300
    MRR-C 10500 5,630 1,910 2,160 7,350 6,900
    MRR-C 15000 6,124 2,110 2,445 10,500 8,000
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