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| 3 minutes of reading | By Tarik Zebib

The hygienic design of industrial equipment is a crucial point for consumer food safety. Safety is a global issue that affects all food manufacturers. Therefore, the design of the machines making up the production process must guarantee a maximum level of sanitation.

1. Food grade design for industrial machinery

The design of the various process equipment that make up the industrial production line is relatively unregulated in terms of health. Public health safety organizations (FDA for the United States, AESA for Europe or ANSES for France) do not approve the design of production equipment. Their mission is limited to validating and controlling the systems used by food manufacturers to ensure consumer health safety. It is the food manufacturers who must ensure the proper design of their equipment.

Compliances present in the food industry are established by national and international organizations. See our article on standards in the food industries.

The basic principles for food safety reside in the absence of material retention zones, the type of materials used in the fabrication of the equipment (like product contact surface) and the ease of cleaning industrial machines.

Sécurité alimentaire des équipements industriels

2. What is the role of the EHEDG?

The EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group) is a foundation created in 1989 for defining and promoting standards in the hygienic design of industrial equipment, as well as the installations intended for the food industry (IAA). It defines the guidelines for the design of systems used in food production areas. Furthermore, this group advises equipment manufacturers how to improve hygienic design at all stages of food production and promote food safety.

The goal is the international harmonization of standards and guidelines. EHEDG assesses the design and ease of cleaning the industrial equipment used in production processes that handle food powders. Commissioning, service and maintenance are also considered. The EHEDG brings together factories and their equipment suppliers to master hygienic standards, from the choice of materials, overall design, installation and maintenance of the equipment.

Tarik, powder expert

You wish to install equipment adapted to
food safety in your factory? I can help you.

Tarik, powder expert

(267) 606 1002

3. EasyClean Palamatic Process equipment

PALAMATIC PROCESS has joined the membership of the EHEDG (European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group). As a result, our design team has access to all the principles and rules for the art of hygienic design from the choice of materials to the design, installation and maintenance of equipment.

The EHEDG's role is to advise industrialists and equipment manufacturers to improve hygienic design at all stages of food production and promote food safety. Check out our dedicated article.

Access to this level of expertise in hygienic design of equipment and processes for the food industry allows us to adapt to the needs of consumers and distributors. Our team takes into account current legislation and standards, but also anticipating future changes.

Our range of EasyClean equipment, such as the ECD vibrating sieve or the ECD screw feeder, has been defined in collaboration with the food industry. Palamatic Process offers its customers easy to clean powder handling equipment that meets the most demanding hygienic requirements.

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