Case studies - Insect breeding
Insect breeding, which corresponds to entomoculture, concerns more manufacturers internationally. The development of the edible insect market is a response to the need for alternative sources to meat. While edible insects are still not widespread for human consumption (entomophagia), this is not the case for animal nutrition which has already experienced strong growth in recent years. It is following the evolution of regulations that the insect protein environment is expanding. Insect meal comes as a substitute for fish meal, soybean meal and other cereals, which are scarce and expensive.
The breeding of agricultural insects has several benefits: nutritional, economical and environmental.
Insect meal produced from farmed larvae (beetles, termites, ants, caterpillars, locusts, etc.) constitute an important source of protein for animals: fish, poultry, livestock, pets (dogs/cats). For example, black soldier flies contain 42% protein and 35% fat alone. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), insect products are a "healthy and highly nutritious food source." For insect breeders, entomoculture also represents a low environmental cost.
Molitor beetles, mealworm larvae, black soldier flies, house fly larva and silkworms are all edible insects that can participate in animal nutrition.
Case studies with our customers
Insect mixing and sorting line
Food and Animal Feed
Edible insect sorting line
Food and Animal Feed
Insect meal production workshop
Food and Animal Feed
Process for insect nutrition
Food and Animal Feed
Automatic bulk bag unloading system for PET flakes and pellets
Insect breeding
Separation and crushing processes are common in this type of industry. The separation operation is generally done mechanically via pressing and then by centrifugation. The crushing process can produce a fine powder rich in protein.
After the crushing and separation process comes packaging where the insect powder will be dosed into bags or bulk bags suitable for transport and storage.
Control of the various stages of the production process is guaranteed and provides compliance with standards in food safety, in accordance with EU regulations.