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Raw material feed and lump breaking of resinous materials

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Case study reference:
Lump breaker in bag dump station - Bulk material and powder handling

Processed powder: resin

Resin formulation

Our client is in the petrochemical industry and manufactures adhesive solutions.

A common occurrence for powders and granular materials Is agglomeration when in the presence of moisture or high humidity levels. The bulk materials will tend to form lumps of different sizes. Therefore, in some applications it is necessary to pre-break these agglomerates to obtain a more consistent particle size distribution, improve material flow and prepare the material for more efficient processing in downstream industrial manufacturing phases.

Palamatic Process has set up a manual bag dump station called the Sacktip® S which has been fitted with an industrial lump breaker (EC series) at the outlet of the hopper. The industrial crusher will provide a maximum uniformity in the particle size distribution by returning the powdered resin to its original free-flowing state. The flow rate of the lump breaker is 40 to 50 m³/hr. The manual bag emptying station is made of 304L stainless steel and capable of processing 2-3 50 lbs. sacks per minute.
The sack tip station also improves operator ergonomics and safety by giving the bag a tray to rest on while the cutting and dumping actions are preformed by an operator. The discharge hopper is fitted with vibrating flow aids to improve material flow and full discharge through the industrial lump breaker.

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