Processed products: blackcurrent, cherries, bananas, raspberries, peaches
Frozen fruit process
IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) big bag and cardboard box discharger
Processed products: frozen blackcurrants, frozen cherries.
A Duopal® combined station is used to discharge big bags and unpack IQF boxes on the same workstation.
The big bag is placed using an electric hoist. The frozen fruit from the big bag is dumped into an open receiving hopper with an overflow protection chute.

Pêches surgelées

Cerises congelées avec noyaux

Concasseur à rouleaux
Bag unpacking and fruit shedding station
Processed products: frozen raspberries, frozen bananas, frozen peach puree.
The deagglomeration station for frozen fruit and frozen purée consists of an open hopper equipped with a deposit tray for the containers, and is used to discharge IQF blocks. A GR70 granulator is positioned under this hopper to ensure the separation and breaking of the frozen blocks. A support frame holds the station in place above the customer tank.
A two-handed control ensures that the equipment is used safely.
A central platform provides operator access to the discharge/crushing station, the deagglomeration station and the control cabinet. It also allows the pallet containing the IQF cardboard boxes to be positioned.

Pêches surgelées

Blocs de purée de fruits surgelés

Bloc de purée de fruits surgelés concassés

Peaux d'oranges surgelées