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Big bag packing line with a capacity of 40 big bags per hour

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Case study reference:
white sugar cristal sugar big bag loading palamati

Processed powders: white refined sugar, surfine caster sugar, crystal sugar

Packing in big bag of white sugar and crystal sugar 


Our customer, a leading sugar manufacturer for the Maghreb, wants to increase its big bag packing capacity in order to deliver a larger number of manufacturers using its refined sugar. This big bag filling facility is designed to achieve a minimum throughput of 40 big bags per hour with minimum operator action. To achieve this, the Palamatic Process solution integrates a complete set of big bag handling and the necessary transitics for pallet handling.The entire machine design is conceived and manufactured according to the EHEDG Equipment Hygienic Design Guide.

The processed materials being crystal sugar, refined sugar and surfine granulated sugar of density 0.8 with good flowability, the FlowMatic® 06 big bag packaging station incorporates an intermediate weighing hopper with a capacity of 2 tons allowing dosing in masked time. When the empty big bag is placed by the operator on the filling head, the PLC controls the sugar metering in the weighing hopper. The weighing management is ensured by a Palamatic Process dosing unit specifically developed for big bag filling applications. This dosing unit integrates a very high dosing speed by using a 4-20mA butterfly valve coupled in parallel to a dosing screw managed by a frequency variator. This unique technology ensures that the sugar is dosed in less than 3 seconds with an accuracy of less than 300g.

big bag filling line with sugar
big bag filling line with sugar
big bag filling line with sugar

The use of the dosing hopper allows all manual operations to be carried out without loss of packing flow rate. The operations carried out during the hopper metering of the packing system are: positioning the bulk bag, connecting the bulk bag spout to the inflatable seal, attaching the loops of the bulk bag to the automatic hooks, inflation of the bulk bag via the pre-forming fan and closing the previous bulk bag by welding the spout.
When the sugar dose is metered into the weigher, the drain valve opens to almost instantly fill the empty bulk bag. A pneumatic tensioning system and pre-inflation of the super sack ensures optimal filling of the inner bag. A dust collection and venting line provides the containment and balancing of volumes during sugar transfer.

Hooks for big bag hanging

Hooks in position to allow
the big bag to be hung

hooks for big bag hanging

Hooks in position to allow
the big bag to be filled

welding of big bag spout

Welding of the big bag cuff

 big bags on belt conveyor

Big bags on roller conveyor

big bag laying on pallet

Placing the big bag on the pallet

pallet unstacker palamatic process

Pallets unstacker

The handling of the filled bulk bags is ensured by a set of belt conveyors, thus avoiding the use of pallets in the packing area. The bulk bag is positioned on its pallet outside the packaging area via a double deck conveyor: pallet/bulk bag. An empty pallet unstacker feeds the bulk bag "docking" conveyor.
From an ergonomic point of view, the operator works on a single-floor platform with a drop-off area for empty bulk bag pallets. Similarly, the connection head of the bulk bag has mobile hooks that move towards the operator to facilitate the installation of the bulk bag loops. At the end of the packing operation, the bulk bag is unhooked automatically via the pneumatic tilting hooks.
The weighing chain integrated on the dosing hopper consists of three load cells connected to a commercially certified weighing transmitter. This weighing hopper is certified annually.
In addition, the bulk bag conveyor incorporates a weighing chain (scale) providing additional control of the weight of the bulk bag for complete traceability of the packed batches.

Features integrated into the bulk bag packaging line:

  • FlowMatic® 06 bulk bag filling station with conveyor
  • Ergonomic hooks for bulk bag handles
  • Pre-inflation fan for bulk bags
  • Inflatable containment seal
  • Vibrating table
  • Check weighing system / Conveyor scale
  • Weighing buffer hopper of 2 tons
  • "Specific" metering system on bulk bag packing
  • Unstacker for empty pallets
  • Installation of an access walkway to the filling station
  • Automatic sampler
  • Bulk bag cuff welding machine
other possible implementation for big bag filling

Other possible hygienic big bag packaging installation: packaging line with laying down of mats
and placing of the big bag on its pallet

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Butterfly valve VPP

Container, hopper or silo closure containing powdered or granulated materials

Tubular screw conveyor

Bulk materials conveying, Continuous operation

Belt conveyor

Secure conveying of your loads

Built-in dust collector

Dust collection or vacuum applications, Flanged directly to equipment, Easy and low cost maintenance

FlowMatic®06 big bag filling system

High rate, Weighing buffer hopper, Ergonomic, Containment, Tension of big bag, Big bag forming, Automated handling, Material densification

Powder sampler ECD

Volumetric collection of bulk materials, Contained process, No contact with the powder

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